The Impacts of Agriculture on Water Policy in California

A tiny fish, the Delta smelt, became a misunderstood symbol of California water policy. A California-based scientist who studied the impacts of dairy farming on water and air quality explains why the smelt is significant for understanding water quality in the Delta, and a major driver of California water shortages: Big Ag.

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Rapid Response Action Team Activates

RRAT, the Rapid Response Action Team, was created to fight the silence and make the connections between catastrophe, climate and cause when bad things happen. RRAT is creating a library of videos, press releases, facts and talking points we can use in this fight for truth. We have decades of science predicting these climate-change-intensified disasters to back us up.

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Scientist Rebellion Creating Rapid Response Action Team

You can help us build a Rapid Response Action Team to speak with expertise about climate-related crisis situations when they arise. The idea is to have people with scientific expertise, event specific talking points, pre-planned actions and video clips ready-to-go when a climate disaster or climate-related event occurs.

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