Mamma turtle with baby turtles to represent Turtle Island, in front of climate stripes.

Welcome to the home of Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island, representing the United States and Canada. We are a multi-disciplinary group of scientists united by one thought:  we understand the breadth and magnitude of the climate crisis and we are damned determined to do something about it.

Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island has regional hubs throughout the United States and Canada, and ways to be involved no matter where you are. Learn a little more about SRTI here. Sign up to talk with one of our activists to learn more about what is happening and how you can participate. You can find out more about the West Coast group at

Follow Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island on social media: Instagram, TwXtter, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Facebook, BlueSky, TikTok, and YouTube.

To learn more about the global movement, see

Climate stripes by Ed Hawkins, University of Reading CC-BY 4.0
Dr. Rose Abramoff, one of the founders of Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island, speaking through a megaphone while chained to a fence at a climate protest in Washington, DC.

Dr. Peter Kalmus, one of the founders of Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island, speaking through a megaphone at a climate protest.